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compassion, empathy, friends, gifts, gratitude, illness, Jasmine Wood, love, newbabynewpaltzblog, Rita -

Children offer us heart-centered healing energy. Next time you find yourself feeling down, or caught up in past emotional trauma, take a walk with your child. Hold their tiny hand and allow yourself to be healed.

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breastfeeding, communication, compassion, empowerment, Jasmine Wood, mama, mothering, Rita, toddler, transitions, weaning -

At 25 months, our family weaned little Rita (Yes, dad played a big role too) from the breast. I knew it was our time, but yet as we moved closer to her last nursing sessions I felt uneasy. Reflecting on this, I feel it was fear of the unknown. As nursing was the one factor in our routines that had remained constant from birth to two years.

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communication, community, compassion, covid-19, empathy, exhaustion, expectations, food, friends, gifts, gratitude, holiday, illness, keeping calm, kindness, loss, love, meltdowns, memories, pandemic, parenting, working, worry -

Holidays can be a hard time for anyone, but 2020 may be the worst of all.

It's Thanksgiving Eve.

According to NYS Governor, Andrew Cuomo, in his November 23, 2020 press conference, the best way to show your extended family you love them, is to stay home. NYS has a mandated limit of 10 person get-togethers. We are supposed to eat outdoors, wear masks, and shorten the visits.

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compassion, Donna Bruschi, emotions, empathy, guilt, keeping calm, kindness, meltdowns, newbabynewpaltzblog, parenting, tantrums, toddler -

Temper tantrums are a cry for help.

When having a meltdown, your child is totally overwhelmed and needs support. Unfortunately, few parents received support for their strong feelings as children or learned even basic skills for working through a tantrum.

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community, compassion, creation, emotions, expectations, gifts, guilt, imperfection, kindness, love, mothering, new baby, newbabynewpaltzblog, parenting, transitions -

Who Loves YOU? Your baby, of course. Your partner, of course. Your friends... Of course! How about you? Do you love yourself? Most of us do, but probably not all the time. Maybe not even most of the time. Having a baby can exacerbate this lack of self love. Somehow, that little being brings out your worst: your impatience, your sadness, your anger, your low self esteem, your GUILT! You fall into the comparison trap. You see other mothers at their best. You watch TV shows and movies with "Mom Impersonators". Screen writers condemn and make fun of your very...

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