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breastfeeding, breastfeeding barriers, Donna Bruschi, emotions, expectations, love, meals, mothering, newbabynewpaltzblog, nursing, transitions, weaning -

Ending breastfeeding is full of emotions for you and your baby. It can be hard to be OK with all of your own feelings around weaning, let alone articulate and share them with random strangers and rude relatives.

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breastfeeding, communication, compassion, empowerment, Jasmine Wood, mama, mothering, Rita, toddler, transitions, weaning -

At 25 months, our family weaned little Rita (Yes, dad played a big role too) from the breast. I knew it was our time, but yet as we moved closer to her last nursing sessions I felt uneasy. Reflecting on this, I feel it was fear of the unknown. As nursing was the one factor in our routines that had remained constant from birth to two years.

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anxiety, breastfeeding, breastfeeding barriers, communication, Ember, emotions, expectations, instincts, Lisa Bullard, mama, mothering, nighttime parenting, nursing, weaning -

I have been thinking a lot about trusting my instincts as a mother.

Sometimes that is easier said than done, especially when someone in an authority position (a doctor, a teacher, a specialist,) or someone whose approval I seek (my mother, my partner, my friend,) is telling me that something I am doing, is wrong.

It can be enormously frustrating and it recently happened to me.

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breastfeeding, breastfeeding barriers, communication, Donna Bruschi, lactation, lactation consultant, nursing, weaning, working -

When you are researching, it may seem that using a free or low cost Lactation Consultant is the best way to start. Another way of thinking is that if you never breastfed before, an excellent Lactation Consultant will shorten your learning curve and prevent problems that will cost you even more money. But how do you know?

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breastfeeding, communication, compassion, Donna Bruschi, empathy, expectations, joy, kindness, love, meltdowns, nursing, toddler, transitions, weaning -

Many mothers know the answer to this question before their baby is even born. "A year" "6 months" "Until I go back to work" "If I like it" "Until my baby is 4" It's a question with many answers. Breastfeeding is feeding and so much more. Babies also nurse because they are tired, overwhelmed, lonely, thirsty, sick, in pain, bored, cold, hot, or 89 other reasons. Nursing at a mother's breast stimulates or calms all the senses. It creates and completes a safe habitat for a baby. The obvious answer if you are a baby is "As long as I...

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