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birth, breastfeeding, Donna Bruschi, expectations, food, friends, gifts, gratitude, lactation consultant, love, meals, new baby, newbabynewpaltzblog, pregnancy, shopping, transitions, whole foods -

Ask any parent and you will get a confusing list of "must haves" and "must avoids" This is because we all have personal preferences, and guess what? So does your baby! So how do you buy a gift for a baby you've never met? And equipment for a game you've never played? Here's a place to start:

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anxiety, birth, Donna Bruschi, empowerment, fear, home, homebirth, midwife, mothering, postpartum depression, pregnancy, safety, VBAC -

Twins always arrive early. Right?

That's An Old Wive's Tale.

I look at my striated belly with the doughy soft puckers that have never flattened back into that gentle swell that used to be my belly.

If my twins had been early, I would not have this. At 36 weeks, my belly was a gigantic, unblemished orb. I had 1 or 2 stripes at 37 weeks.

Ar 39 weeks, my midwife and I were laughing at the incredible, angry red vortex radiating from my bellybutton. The stripes were something out of a science fiction story. Like a chick pecking the egg from the inside, it looked like my stomach was getting ready to rip open.

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keeping calm, meals, mothering, new baby, nutrition, parenting, pregnancy, shopping -

No matter when your baby is due, you are probably thinking of all the things you need to have done for baby’s first weeks at home.

Whether you are actually doing it is another thing..."PROCRASTINATORS UNITE!"

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communication, creation, Donna Bruschi, expectations, gratitude, grief, joy, mama, mothering, new baby, pregnancy, separation, spring -

By Donna Bruschi   You came to me as a small fish: frantic, untiring, unceasing Swimming upstream to the place of your birth Your only need, to reach the headwaters. At that moment, I knew and surrendered   And a spring deep inside me sprang. And I held you. You asked me to fill a pond and I did. In time, your incessant demands pushed forth a tiny stream. Droplets skittering over my being, your essence seeping into my dust Each day a new gush, another groove, cut and deepened And still you spurted forth, Carving me in ways I...

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creation, diet, farm, farm market, farmer, farmer's market, food, fruit, gratitude, guilt, newbabynewpaltzblog, nutrition, parenting, pregnancy, processed foods, transitions, vegetable, whole foods -

The creation of a child is a time when many parents take a renewed interest in the content of their diets, often starting in the supermarket. For a couple eating fast food-to-go, it may be their first time in a supermarket, with the intention of preparing a meal from food, not a box. Another couple might start buying Certified Organic food and "shopping the perimeter," where the fresh foods are. And others might pass by the supermarket, headed for the health food store. Shelf stable and highly convenient In the supermarket, you are surrounded by highly processed, salty and sugary foods with dairy, palm, soy and high fructose corn syrup, in nearly...

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