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I wanted to discuss us Mamas! We come in all different shapes, colors and sizes Yet our emotions all follow the flow of the same river, the timeless flow of motherhood. As women, we come equipped in our mother’s womb with all of our living, giving powers.

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anxiety, birth, compassion, domestic violence, emotions, empathy, friends, gratitude, grief, loss, newbabynewpaltzblog, overwhelm -

By Donna Bruschi Today marks my 20th Mother's Day! I can't believe it! Actually, I can believe it. Its been a very full and wonderful 20 years of mothering. What I really can't believe, is how much I don't like Mother's Day.  Part of it is embedded in my mom's experience. I don't remember a Mother's Day where she didn't end up in tears. Maybe she was unrealistic or naive? She was an only child and we were three! Another part is that for me EVERY day is Mother's Day. I have spent a lot of time with my children and...

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compassion, emotions, expectations, friends, Jasmine Wood, keeping calm, newbabynewpaltzblog, Rita, tantrums, toddler -

“I’m always gonna be your friend, always!” Rita exclaimed in her sing-song toddler speak. With those few simple words my heart melted. Lately, Rita and I have had our fair share of battles. Mini battles which stem from day-to-day tantrum prompters like brushing her curly locks, getting shoes and a coat on, or, our latest episode: who gets her out of her crib in the morning, mom or dad.

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Donna Bruschi, Ember, friends, gratitude, home, Lisa Bullard, mothering -

I realized that Ember and I had just spent the whole day in the house, and as the night drew near, I felt a little lonely. I committed to leaving the house the next day, even if it was easier not to! The weather is getting frostier and the days darker but I don't need to let it keep me and my baby burrowed in the house.

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