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empathy, expectations, imperfection, Lisa Bullard, mothering, parenting, working -

Parenting is the hardest job I've ever done. That sounds dramatic when I admit it out loud, but it is 100% true. My Mom tells me that parenting is not just the hardest, but also the most important job I will ever do in my life.

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Ember, expectations, keeping calm, Lisa Bullard, love, mothering, toddler, traveling -

Ember and I made it to Montana! To recap, last week I talked about my anxiety surrounding flying with a toddler and I shared a few travel tips I’d gleaned from other mothers. Let me share how traveling with a one-year-old went…

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breastfeeding, Donna Bruschi, emotions, keeping calm, mothering, new baby, newbabynewpaltzblog, parenting, sleep, teething, toddler -

Waking every hour or two to nurse ALL NIGHT LONG. Ugh. Whether you do it for a few days because your baby is teething or have been doing it for months or years, it takes a toll on you and you may wonder if you are doing the right thing.

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Donna Bruschi, farmer's market, food, friends, joy, memories, mothering, newbabynewpaltzblog, parenting, shopping, summer, swimming, whole foods -

Spray bottles, baby pools, water tables and buckets of water all work for splashing and exploring the cooling and magical qualities of water. Is there an easier pastime than cooling oneself off on a hot day in a local pool, swimming hole, lake, or river? Our area is full of natural places to take a dip, wade and play. 

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Big Latch On, breastfeeding, breastfeeding barriers, Donna Bruschi, guilt, mothering, new baby, nursing, nutrition, parenting, pregnancy -

There are 10 barriers or challenges in breastfeeding that can get between a breast and a baby.  The Big Latch On is a worldwide event that addresses most of these issues.

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