transitions RSS

breastfeeding, communication, compassion, Donna Bruschi, empathy, expectations, joy, kindness, love, meltdowns, nursing, toddler, transitions, weaning -

Many mothers know the answer to this question before their baby is even born. "A year" "6 months" "Until I go back to work" "If I like it" "Until my baby is 4" It's a question with many answers. Breastfeeding is feeding and so much more. Babies also nurse because they are tired, overwhelmed, lonely, thirsty, sick, in pain, bored, cold, hot, or 89 other reasons. Nursing at a mother's breast stimulates or calms all the senses. It creates and completes a safe habitat for a baby. The obvious answer if you are a baby is "As long as I...

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communication, compassion, empathy, friends, grief, guilt, kindness, Lisa Bullard, loss, love, newbabynewpaltzblog, overwhelm, transitions -

“Mom, this card says ‘Don’t worry about Nancy anymore,’” Ember says, as she hands me a sticky note she scribbled on. I wipe away a drifting tear, and take it from her. “Thanks, sweetie. Why shouldn’t I worry anymore?” I want to know what is happening in her mind, partly because I’m feeling guilty.

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2016, baby carriers, baby store, breastfeeding, Donna Bruschi, grand opening, Grand Re-Opening, lactation consultant, Main St, NBNP, New Baby New Paltz, newbabynewpaltzblog, shopping, ShopRite, transitions -

What if you could park once and shop at both your local baby boutique and the grocery store? Now you can! Check out the Grand Opening of the newest New Baby/New Paltz, sister shop to New Baby/New World in the Water Street Market in New Paltz. The celebration takes place on Saturday, January 16, 2016 from 1 to 4 p.m.

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compassion, expectations, guilt, Jasmine Wood, mommy brain, mothering, newbabynewpaltzblog, Rita, transitions, working -

This week I find myself with a bit of writer’s block… My mind is scattered after being out of town for a week, the first half of the week spent camping with my little family, the second half of the week grieving the loss of a loved one on my husband side’s of the family.

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creation, gratitude, Jasmine Wood, love, memories, mothering, newbabynewpaltzblog, parenting, pregnancy, Rita, toddler, transitions -

Memories from the womb… A story of the subconscious by Jasmine Wood Hello Mamas! I recently took a trip with Rita and her dad to Ithaca, NY. This is the place where we lived for the majority of my pregnancy.  After reflecting on our experiences there I have some interesting personal insight as to our time spent in the womb and how we carry experience and memories from our prenatal experiences. Rita was conceived and carried in Ithaca, the land of waterfalls and gorges.  Throughout my pregnancy, I walked along the banks of many of these mesmerizing waterfalls finding comfort...

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