Sleeping Bear Press A is for Axel: An Ice Skating Alphabet

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A is for Axel

An Ice Skating Alphabet

Four-time World Champion and professional figure skater Kurt Browning replaces his boots and blades with pen and paper in A is for Axel: An Ice Skating Alphabet. From holding an edge to laces and hooks, Kurt glides and dances through the alphabet explaining the history, techniques, and memorable moments of the sport.

Spirited illustrator Melanie Rose captures the excitement visually with her colorful, playful illustrations.

Author Kurt Browning is known for his fluid movement and confidence on the ice. A four-time world champion, Kurt is the first figure skater to be named as Canada's outstanding male athlete. He presently skates professionally with Stars on Ice and lives in Toronto, Ontario with his wife and son.

Illustrator Melanie Rose's charming and lively oil paintings have graced the pages of several Sleeping Bear Press titles including Z is for Zamboni: A Hockey Alphabet; H is for Homerun: A Baseball Alphabet; and W is for Wind: A Weather Alphabet. She makes her home in Mississauga, Canada, with her son Liam and their two cats, Mickey and Meesha.

Interest Level Grade 1-4
Reading Level Grade 4
Number of Pages 40
Dimensions 11 x 10


Made in United States of America
