
Reimagining the Everyday...

"ZoLi was created in 2008 with the goal to create non-toxic, safe, and eco-friendly baby products. Over the years, our innovative baby products have made must-have baby product lists year after year! Our products have expanded to include products for the whole family.

A few ZoLi Innovations:

| 2009 | ZoLi creates a new training cup category – Sippy Cups with Weighted Straws, great for helping toddlers transition from bottle to sippy without the fuss.

 | 2010 | ZoLi launches the first ever electric nail file for babies. No more using a magnifying glass to clip baby’s nails! 

| 2012 | ZoLi launches the first insulated and stackable box lunch container to easily pack innovative lunch ideas for kids and parents alike! 

ZoLi continues to innovate and bring new solutions to the whole family. Each and every one of our product is designed to ensure a seamless integration of Function + Style. All materials used must exceed U.S. and global safety standards. In short, we stand by our products and we don’t create anything we wouldn’t want our own children to use."
