

Hudson Valley Due Date Club

by Donna Bruschi on Apr 27 2024
Join the Hudson Valley Due Date Club on Facebook   2025 Winter - January, February, March       2024 Summer - July, August, September       2024 Spring - April, May June       2024 Fall - October, November, December     2021     2020     2019     2018     2017 Winter     2017 Summer     2017 Spring     2017 Fall     2016 winter     2016 Summer     2016 Spring     2016 Fall     2015 Winter     2015 Summer     2015 Spring     2015 Fall     2014 Winter     2014 Summer     2014 Spring     2014 Fall    
What Do I Register For? - New Baby New Paltz


What Do I Register For on my Baby Registry?

by Donna Bruschi on Apr 08 2024
Ask any parent and you will get a confusing list of "must haves" and "must avoids" This is because we all have personal preferences, and guess what? So does your baby! So how do you buy a gift for a baby you've never met? And equipment for a game you've never played? Here's a place to start:
Ringing in the New Year- A Time for Reflection - New Baby New Paltz


Ringing in the New Year- A Time for Reflection

by Donna Bruschi on Jan 01 2024
As mothers we sit in a unique position! We have the ability to mold and shape mind sets for our whole family. Isn’t it almost always true that a happy mom is a happy family! Going beyond self improvement we can work with our family to create goals and mind sets we would all like to work on in the New Year, providing our children with a valuable framework for their future!
Toddlers hugging in an apple orchard - New Baby New Paltz


The Healing Energies of Children

by Donna Bruschi on Oct 06 2023
Children offer us heart-centered healing energy. Next time you find yourself feeling down, or caught up in past emotional trauma, take a walk with your child. Hold their tiny hand and allow yourself to be healed.
Trouble with Transitions - New Baby New Paltz


Trouble with Transitions

by Donna Bruschi on Aug 09 2023
The quote of a wise individual comes to mind “There is no hurry bone in a young child’s body, you cannot rush a toddler.” In fact, when you try to rush a toddler it always seems to backfire and you spend even more time and end up with a frustrated child more times than not!
Papa Bear Love - New Baby New Paltz


Papa Bear Love

by Donna Bruschi on Jun 11 2023
There is someone very special in my life who does not get enough credit in my weekly writings; he goes by the name of Papa Bear or Rita’s Daddy! This wonderful man is also my best companion and husband. Since we decided to have a child, our journey together has been full of pleasant surprises: how exciting and intoxicating it is to watch the man you love take on the role of father.
Calling All Easter Egg Hunters.rtf - New Baby New Paltz


Rita & The Easter Bunny

by Donna Bruschi on Apr 01 2023
"Little Peter Cottontail hoppin’ down the bunny trail… " I will never forget Rita’s first spring and her amazing ability to spot bunny rabbits on our walks from as early as 6 months old, my newborn nature observer! She was exactly what I needed, a constant companion for all my nature observations and wildlife viewing expeditions!
Toddler in wool hat and green coat sitting in a patch of ferns


Sing a Song of Spring!

by Donna Bruschi on Mar 24 2023
Hello Mamas! I just can’t wait for the turn of seasons, I long for the type of days where I can just send little Rita out the door barefoot in a sundress! As the snow continues to melt and songbirds welcome the return of spring with a song, I am reminded that good things truly do come to those who wait. Signs of spring begin to surround us, buds breathe new life into the trees, Mother Maple begins her first flows of sugary goodness, all the while the Earth slowly moves those of us in the northern hemisphere closer to the sun. As northerners we are rewarded for our patience with spring, glorious spring!   But, alas it is still a long way to barefoot days, as spring rains make rain boots an absolute necessity for little explorers! The transition of late winter into spring is a time of hope. We have passed through the long cold winter and we are comforted by the knowledge that warmer more simple days are soon on their way. Days where runny noses and colds are few, while outside play dates and barbeques are plenty! Tiny fingers and toes touch new spring grass for the first time!  I will always carry with me happy memories of my daughter’s first spring, how exciting it was for this touch oriented little being to experience the wonders of nature first hand. Imagine the transition from a winter world filled with carpets, cabinets and electric heating followed by spring filled with fresh grass, cold stones, wet mud and emerging crocus flowers! There must be a burst of neurological activity as babies are able to explore the outside world for the first time. Spring is the mother of the seasons; she gives birth to summer which nourishes life through fall and winter! I find that the energies of spring strongly align themselves with the energies of mothering. So many of our mammalian relatives give birth in the spring, while simultaneously our plant allies blossom and fruit throughout the season, it is no wonder that my mothering instincts so too seem to flourish and blossom. Spring serves as a reminder to rejoice in the magnificence life has to offer. When I witness the explosion of life that spring embodies I am reminded how sacred the beginnings of life truly are.  It is no wonder that most ancient fertility festivals take place in spring! As I look at my daughter, I am humbled. The miracle of life resides in her and it is through her that I have been reborn! Through the journey of motherhood I have become a first hand participant in the miracle of life, the never ending spiral. As woman, as mother, I am sister to the spring, bearer of life, ever connected to all things. As I feel spring move through me I am reassured that I am one with the world, standing just where I am supposed to be. With two feet on the ground I embrace the path that motherhood has taken me on; spring reminds me to let loose, be free and enjoy the ride! Till Next Time, Sing a Song of Spring! Be Well, Jasmine
How Long You Gonna Breastfeed that Baby? - New Baby New Paltz


How Long You Gonna Breastfeed that Baby?

by Donna Bruschi on Mar 06 2023
Ending breastfeeding is full of emotions for you and your baby. It can be hard to be OK with all of your own feelings around weaning, let alone articulate and share them with random strangers and rude relatives.
How come you're nursing? You're not a tiny baby! - New Baby New Paltz


How come you're nursing? You're not a tiny baby!

by Donna Bruschi on Feb 23 2023
Recently, my 2 ½ year old daughter and I were at the library socializing with other children her age. A nursing toddler, a little girl, Rita’s size, caught her eye. She hurried over and asked “Are you nursing?” The mother replied “Yes.” politely, while the nursing toddler continued breastfeeding.
An Infinite World of Possibility - New Baby New Paltz


An Infinite World of Possibility!

by Donna Bruschi on Jan 21 2023
“Someday when I’m a kitty I will do that too!” Little Rita Cassidy profoundly exclaimed this to me after I explained to her how our cat cleans himself by licking. This line of thinking was very amusing to me. In her world there exists a someday in which she will be a cat!
Holiday Safety - New Baby New Paltz


Holiday Safety

by Donna Bruschi on Dec 22 2022
The commotion was suddenly halted by a sharp cry coming from our bedroom. At this point Rita, a very able-bodied walker, whom I had watched just moments ago wander through the doorway into our room, now stumbled back out, crying and holding her hand to her eye.
The Shop Local and Small Manifesto - New Baby New Paltz


The Shop Local and Small Manifesto

by Donna Bruschi on Nov 25 2022
Opt-Out Black Friday-Small Business Saturday-Cyber Monday. Starts 12:00 am on Friday 11/25/22. Ends 11:59 pm on Monday 11/28/22. We at New Baby New Paltz live in a place of stunning natural beauty. We spend a lot of time in nature. The pandemic changed the landscape of shopping in-person. Many small businesses (like New Baby New Paltz) now have ecommerce catalogs and ship anywhere in the USA.  On this Opt-Out Black Friday-Small Business Saturday-Cyber Monday Sale weekend... 1. Opt Outside with your kids for fresh air, dirt, plants, trees, water, rocks and vistas during daylight hours. 2. Shop from home when it's dark, (which is most of the day.) 3. Shop small businesses as much as possible. 4. Choose businesses in your community, so the benefits echo out into your schools, churches, sports and scouts. Local small business supports programs that benefit you and the babies and children you love. 5. Choose sustainable products made of paper, rubber, cotton, bamboo, wool and wood, over plastics and polyesters. Plastics are forever and are now present everywhere, even in unborn babies. Let's work on stabilizing and cleaning this plastic mess, so our children have a healthier world.   Shop one of our local manufacturers: baby deedee, 20% OFF cozy and well thought out sleepwear. No coupon code needed. bumGenius Elemental Joy $5 each no coupon needed GroVia: 20% off - Coupon Code: GROVIABF20 All Nursing Bras and Tanks: Buy 2 get 1 FREE - Coupon Code: BLACKFRIDAYBLACKBRA
Mother sitting on a bench nursing her baby


Becoming a Mother Means Stepping into the Uncharted Territories of Your Heart.

by Donna Bruschi on Jun 09 2022
You are leaving childish ways behind and integrating them into daily life at the same time. You will give up all you hold dear. You will have more fun and laugh harder at silly things. You will feel your heart expand with love and then break a million times over again.
Somber couple holding each other tight - New Baby New Paltz


At the End of Your Rope

by Donna Bruschi on May 12 2022
What do you do when you are at the end of your rope? You know, the point where you can't take it any more and lash out at your baby or child. And then, feel terrible because, your child is only a child, doing childish things, and doesn't deserve to be the object of your anger.
Maternal Archetypes- Earth Mothers & Creative Mamas.rtfd - New Baby New Paltz


Maternal Archetypes- Earth Mothers & Creative Mamas

by Donna Bruschi on May 06 2022
Over the last two years of raising Rita, my personal struggle has been to find the right balance between my nurturing and creative sides. Perhaps it is when we nurture our rainbow mother, that our inner earth mother is able to shine.
Threading and Wearing Your Ring Sling - New Baby New Paltz


Threading and Wearing Your Ring Sling

by Donna Bruschi on Apr 24 2022
Don't panic if your Sakura Bloom, Moby, Studio Tekhni or Lillebaby ring sling comes undone. Here is a step-by-step tutorial. You can also use this to make it easier to adjust your sling for babywearing from birth to preschool.
Weaned Toddler sleeping in mother's arms


Wean Art: The Gentle Journey of Weaning a Toddler

by Donna Bruschi on Feb 04 2022
At 25 months, our family weaned little Rita (Yes, dad played a big role too) from the breast. I knew it was our time, but yet as we moved closer to her last nursing sessions I felt uneasy. Reflecting on this, I feel it was fear of the unknown. As nursing was the one factor in our routines that had remained constant from birth to two years.
Due Dates, Midwives and Old Wives Tales - New Baby New Paltz


Due Dates, Midwives and Old Wives Tales

by Donna Bruschi on Nov 30 2021
Twins always arrive early. Right? That's An Old Wive's Tale. I look at my striated belly with the doughy soft puckers that have never flattened back into that gentle swell that used to be my belly. If my twins had been early, I would not have this. At 36 weeks, my belly was a gigantic, unblemished orb. I had 1 or 2 stripes at 37 weeks. Ar 39 weeks, my midwife and I were laughing at the incredible, angry red vortex radiating from my bellybutton. The stripes were something out of a science fiction story. Like a chick pecking the egg from the inside, it looked like my stomach was getting ready to rip open.
The Best Gift....Especially in a Pandemic - New Baby New Paltz


The Best Gift....Especially in a Pandemic

by Donna Bruschi on Nov 24 2021
Holidays can be a hard time for anyone, but 2020 may be the worst of all. It's Thanksgiving Eve. According to NYS Governor, Andrew Cuomo, in his November 23, 2020 press conference, the best way to show your extended family you love them, is to stay home. NYS has a mandated limit of 10 person get-togethers. We are supposed to eat outdoors, wear masks, and shorten the visits.