Ringing in the New Year- A Time for Reflection
By Jasmine Wood
Hello Mamas!
If your house looks anything like mine does after the holidays, may the cleaning process be swift and may the mental meltdowns be kept to a minimum, holiday clutter too shall pass!
With most of the major holidays behind us we look forward to the New Year with hope. For some of us, we hope that this New Year will be kind to us just like the last. For others, we hope that the New Year will be better than the last.
For many of us with blossoming families our hope lies in the thought that our families will simply be well. Our children will grow and flourish and continue to bring a smile to our faces even amidst chaos. Our relationships with husbands and partners too will flourish in the light of love, providing a strong base of comfort for us to fall back on at the end of a long day.
Many of us will also put together some resolutions for the New Year, how can we better ourselves for our own self improvement, but also for the good of our families, our community, and the earth.
I can think back to many of my failed resolutions from years past: “I will never drink soda again”, “I will not indulge in late night snack food binges”, “I will exercise daily”, etc. Writing them out like this utterly makes me laugh out loud in spite of myself.
So this year I will take a new strategy to creating resolutions, instead of setting rigid goals for myself I will create “mind sets” which I would like to carry with me throughout the year. Mind sets such as “I will take the time to ensure healthy snack patterns for my family and I” and “From day to day I will practice gratitude for the many blessings in my life” and “I will work daily to show my loved one’s the best me I can be.”
Just like daily mantra’s these mind sets create a positive atmosphere where goals can be nurtured, as opposed to hard-fast resolutions which emphasize a negative behavior and generate an all or nothing tone of dissatisfaction.
Ultimately, ringing in the New Year is a time to let reflection reign supreme! By offering ourselves up to self reflection we allow ourselves the space we need to grow. The coming of a new year is the ideal time for this kind of reflection because it allows us to look forward with the hope that we have the self motivating power to make this year better than the last.
As mothers we sit in a unique position! We have the ability to mold and shape mind sets for our whole family. Isn’t it almost always true that a happy mom is a happy family! Going beyond self improvement we can work with our family to create goals and mind sets we would all like to work on in the New Year, providing our children with a valuable framework for their future!
Till Next Time, Happy New Year to you and yours! May your New Year be filled with light, love and the plentiful laughter of little ones!