Papa Bear Love

2014, daddy, Jasmine Wood, newbabynewpaltzblog, Rita -

Papa Bear Love

Hello Mamas!

Wanted to wish each one of you a Happy Father's Day from my home to yours!

This is the time of year you will most likely find my family in one of two places: in the garden, or out by the grill. For me, nothing beats a long weekend morning filled with the work of tending to the garden, followed by a restful afternoon under a shady oak tree, then finally, finishing up the day grilling our dinner and dining outdoors! What a change of pace from a few months ago! Everyone in our home is happier and more content these days, especially Dad!
There is someone very special in my life who does not get enough credit in my weekly writings; he goes by the name of Papa Bear or Rita’s Daddy! This wonderful man is also my best companion and husband. Since we decided to have a child, our journey together has been full of pleasant surprises: how exciting and intoxicating it is to watch the man you love take on the role of father.
When I look at my daughter I often see her father staring back at me. She is such a wonderful combination of the two of us I have to laugh out loud in spite of myself;
because as she has taken on our more endearing attributes she too has inherited some of our character flaws, like her father’s quick tongue and my impatience!
I love that she is a Daddy’s girl, just like I was! So, this week we take time to honor our Papa Bear and the unique relationship he has with our daughter! To say that she is the ‘apple of his eye’ would be an understatement; she has become the sun, the center of which our little universe revolves. Our little sun keeps on shining brightly, the world keeps on turning and all is well…
Some say that Father’s Day Weekend is the kick off to the summer, whichever way you choose to celebrate the summertime holidays take a moment to feel gratitude for the unique happiness that small children bring to a family and envelop yourself in the loving arms of your child!
Sunshine, edibles ripening in the garden, the cool shade of an old tree, the chilling indulgence of any icy beverage and a tiny little hand to hold in yours! What more could a mama ask for? In my case, not much except a loving partner and caring father to share it all with! As we enter the season of abundance, you can see happiness begin to burst from around you, our hearts have been warmed by sunshine and it is time to soak it all in!
Till Next Time, Be Well! Cheers, Go hug all the Papa Bears in your life!


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