
Nurturing the Child with a Cold - New Baby New Paltz


Nurturing the Child with a Cold

by Donna Bruschi on Oct 29, 2020
The warmth of the last several weeks has me feeling hopeful that the relentless cold and darkness of the coming months will not happen after all!  The longer nights, shorter days, chill, and dampness depress me, and I find it hard to be happy, and even more, difficult to accomplish my daily tasks.
Holding my Baby Through the Long Feverish Night - New Baby New Paltz


Holding my Baby Through the Long Feverish Night

by Donna Bruschi on Feb 10, 2014
Perhaps the warm thaw of the last several days has you feeling like I do? I feel like there is an itch deep down that just needs to be scratched, the eternal itch for spring. The itch for new life, for many shades of green, the itch to spy a newly emerged crocus and to feel the caress of warm spring sunshine on your cheek!