
What Do I Register For? - New Baby New Paltz


What Do I Register For on my Baby Registry?

by Donna Bruschi on Apr 08 2024
Ask any parent and you will get a confusing list of "must haves" and "must avoids" This is because we all have personal preferences, and guess what? So does your baby! So how do you buy a gift for a baby you've never met? And equipment for a game you've never played? Here's a place to start:
Due Dates, Midwives and Old Wives Tales - New Baby New Paltz


Due Dates, Midwives and Old Wives Tales

by Donna Bruschi on Nov 30 2021
Twins always arrive early. Right? That's An Old Wive's Tale. I look at my striated belly with the doughy soft puckers that have never flattened back into that gentle swell that used to be my belly. If my twins had been early, I would not have this. At 36 weeks, my belly was a gigantic, unblemished orb. I had 1 or 2 stripes at 37 weeks. Ar 39 weeks, my midwife and I were laughing at the incredible, angry red vortex radiating from my bellybutton. The stripes were something out of a science fiction story. Like a chick pecking the egg from the inside, it looked like my stomach was getting ready to rip open.
Postpartum Haul - New Baby New Paltz


Postpartum Haul

by Donna Bruschi on Sep 04 2021
No matter when your baby is due, you are probably thinking of all the things you need to have done for baby’s first weeks at home. Whether you are actually doing it is another thing..."PROCRASTINATORS UNITE!"
Water: The Boundaries - New Baby New Paltz


Water: The Boundaries

by Donna Bruschi on Sep 26 2020
By Donna Bruschi   You came to me as a small fish: frantic, untiring, unceasing Swimming upstream to the place of your birth Your only need, to reach the headwaters. At that moment, I knew and surrendered   And a spring deep inside me sprang. And I held you. You asked me to fill a pond and I did. In time, your incessant demands pushed forth a tiny stream. Droplets skittering over my being, your essence seeping into my dust Each day a new gush, another groove, cut and deepened And still you spurted forth, Carving me in ways I didn’t expect You dribbled and babbled and always, I held you, New shoots sprang up in your presence, needing tender care The spring thaw always eroded. Unearthing pebbles, then rocks Carrying them, bump. bump. While you gurgled and rushed, seeking the path of least resistance. Gaining momentum, deepening, broadening Overrunning your banks, flooding me Gouging me, eroding my boundaries Always shaping and cutting your own path. Always following the path of least resistance In your retreat, detritus and silt to be cleaned or absorbed   An aerial reveals switchbacks and impossible twists That make no sense Until you are walking the banks, walking the lay of the land.   An eddy formed, a deep swirling in my unceasing efforts to hold you. I admired how the sun cracked into a million diamonds on your skin You fell silent, biding your time, building strength, seeking an outlet With a thundering roar as you exploded over the edge, A thing of unimaginable beauty My heart stopped as you went over That unstoppable, terrifying, endless plummet Only to land in another eddy, and me grasping, to hold you Yet forward you moved, dragging rocks, trees, pieces of my heart Your power fluid, spellbinding I was awestruck, lovestruck…watching you go in your churning You embraced, then sidestepped boulders One day, I held you one last time and then, you were gone The swells of the ocean pulled you in and you swam away. I watched for awhile, sad and happy, adding my tears to the confluence Grateful for the spring that still nourishes my heart
Super Market Odyssey - On A Quest for Whole Foods - New Baby New Paltz


Super Market Odyssey - On A Quest for Whole Foods

by Donna Bruschi on Jul 20 2020
The creation of a child is a time when many parents take a renewed interest in the content of their diets, often starting in the supermarket. For a couple eating fast food-to-go, it may be their first time in a supermarket, with the intention of preparing a meal from food, not a box. Another couple might start buying Certified Organic food and "shopping the perimeter," where the fresh foods are. And others might pass by the supermarket, headed for the health food store. Shelf stable and highly convenient In the supermarket, you are surrounded by highly processed, salty and sugary foods with dairy, palm, soy and high fructose corn syrup, in nearly every product.  In the health food store, you are surrounded by highly processed, salty and sugary foods with sea salt, soy, coconut oil and organic cane sugar in nearly every product. In addition, you can also supplement your diet with bottles of natural vitamins and protein powders. Both places specialize in food products, not foods. They are causing a health crisis in our community. We are now overweight and malnourished at the same time.  Food products are altered by manufacturing, chemistry, or genetics to remove undesired parts like bran, moisture, living bacteria, or cholesterol from a food. Or they are fortified with extra protein, iron, Vitamin D, calcium or Omega 3’s, whether or not Mother Nature intended the original food to have those.  In addition, they are processed to have a shelf life of several months, or years. They are preserved. If you leave them outside on your deck, you will find they break down very slowly, if it all. Shelf life renders them nearly useless as nutrition for our finely tuned digestive systems. Let's take a radical departure from all that, and take a ride down to the farm. Unlike the produce at the health food store which gets flown in by jet from commercial farms in far away California, Washington, Mexico and New Zealand, this food gets wheel-barrowed or tractored in from the rolling hills surrounding the barn. This food has a small carbon footprint. And here are your farmers - It might be a couple with two little kids, or a couple of Ag students learning the ropes via mentorship, or it might be an extended family with Greats, Grands, Aunts, Uncles, Parents, Cousins and Kids. They might be Michelin gourmet with 3 kinds of mizuna and 11 kinds of basil, or they might be country with piles of tomatoes, peaches, plums, pears, zucchini and apples. They might be meat farmers with chickens, cows and pigs. Or dairy farmers with a line of sublime cheeses and ice cream. They might even be brewing, fermenting, or distilling their hops, grapes and barley into tasty beverages. Whatever they grow, they nurture and nourish with their experience, love and their sweat.  Whole foods look like how they come out of the ground, off the tree, or off the animal. An apple is an apple, no wax, all different varieties, juicy, flavorful and literally MOUTH WATERING. ShopRite apples aren't like this and Apple Fruit Rollups are definitely not at all like this. And I say, there are no bad vegetables, only bad cooks. Once you've eaten fresh from the farm, it's easier to switch from overly processed ‘food products’ to a diet rich in whole foods. Small farms rotate crops. They use manure and compost. They work the land, feed the land and then, let the land rest, so that it remains productive. Shopping from local farms reinforces community! Not only does shopping at the farm help your diet, but it also places your family back into the local food chain. Your hard earned dollars promote sustainable agricultural practices and stay in the community where they support Little League, the school Drama Club and food programs like Second Harvest. Living in the Hudson Valley of New York, we have a wealth of locally grown and raised foods. For our family's health and the strength of our local economies, let us all work together and make conscious food choices, supporting our local farmers.
The Heart Knows No Reason - New Baby New Paltz


The Heart Knows No Reason

by Donna Bruschi on Mar 14 2020
Most of us have nightmares about our children dying or disappearing, and truthfully, sometimes it happens. Many moms have had miscarriages or a "lost twin." Some chose abortion only to find themselves grieving. Others suffer through a baby or child's cancer and say goodbye, over and over again, until the child finally passes.
The Ten Barriers Of Breastfeeding - New Baby New Paltz


The Ten Barriers Of Breastfeeding

by Donna Bruschi on Jul 01 2017
There are 10 barriers or challenges in breastfeeding that can get between a breast and a baby.  The Big Latch On is a worldwide event that addresses most of these issues.
Memories From The Womb - New Baby New Paltz


Memories From The Womb

by Donna Bruschi on Jul 20 2014
Memories from the womb… A story of the subconscious by Jasmine Wood Hello Mamas! I recently took a trip with Rita and her dad to Ithaca, NY. This is the place where we lived for the majority of my pregnancy.  After reflecting on our experiences there I have some interesting personal insight as to our time spent in the womb and how we carry experience and memories from our prenatal experiences. Rita was conceived and carried in Ithaca, the land of waterfalls and gorges.  Throughout my pregnancy, I walked along the banks of many of these mesmerizing waterfalls finding comfort and peace in the water’s presence. My mind was quietly lulled into thoughtlessness, a simple pure state of being, by the sacred song of the river ever moving toward the sea. When I was seven months pregnant, we moved from Ithaca down to the Hudson Valley, where I grew up. Like a salmon I followed the river home to give birth. Rita was born in the same hospital I was, 25 years earlier, and our journey together with her in my arms, instead of in my belly, began! A few weeks ago, our little family took a trip back to Ithaca to visit some of our favorite sights, in particular, our favorite waterfalls. As soon as Rita saw her first waterfall, her whole being became illuminated! She literally glowed from within as she shouted “This is my favorite waterfall forever!” I was filled with joy that these sacred spots, that brought her father and me so much pleasure and contentment during our pregnancy, also held this special place for our daughter too! We brought her back to the waterfalls of her days in the womb. Something inside her recognized this place! I believe babies' subconscious memories begin to form from the moment of conception and evolve throughout pregnancy and birth. So when children are born, they already have a subconscious memory and internal impression of the world! I truly believe that Rita was soothed as a little fetus in the womb waters by the same external sounds that soothed her mama, the sound of the river and waterfall. Upon revisiting these sights years later, she was able to recapture the same positive emotions felt during her time in the womb! Peaceful pregnancy, happy childhood, contented adult…. I feel that the first step toward life long well being takes place in the womb. By fostering an environment filled with love and joy and working to reduce stress we can create happy memories with our child that they will then in turn carry with them throughout their lives. My hearts feel full when I see a glowing smiling pregnant mama and I think of the little one within who is also smiling! May peaceful vibrations radiate from you to your children and back again! Let us change the universe with love, one child at a time! Till next time, Be Well! Jasmine
Think Like a Tree, Mama! - New Baby New Paltz


Think Like a Tree, Mama!

by Donna Bruschi on May 18 2014
By Jasmine Wood “Isn’t it funny, how a bear likes honey. Buzz, Buzz, Buzz. I wonder why he does…”  This is one of my favorite lines from my daughter’s bedtime book collection! (Classic Winnie the Pooh) It is one of those story lines that always gets my mind working. It makes me think of the famous philosopher, Rumi’s quote: “Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” Intrinsically, we find ourselves drawn to those things that make us feel fulfilled, just as Pooh finds himself drawn to the honey pot time and time again! As women, many of us find ourselves silently drawn by the call of motherhood! Some of us are ready to heed the call: "Procreate now!" Others, take time and are slowly enveloped by our most innate desire to form a family and home. Before, I found out I was pregnant with my daughter, I knew deep down inside that I wanted to be a mother. I did not know whether I would enjoy this all encompassing role or not! This is where Rumi’s silent pull comes from. It comes from deep down in the core of our being, the call mutes any worries the mind might carry, and leads you mind, body and spirit down the path of motherhood. Perhaps, there are many bumps in the road, or instead it may be smooth sailing from thoughts of conception, to labor and delivery.  The many paths we follow as women to reach motherhood are important! The importance is in the journey, and not just the destination. The path we follow will stay with us, and guide us throughout the trying times of parenting! I have these moments in mothering where I feel so ancient, as if I can tap into the energy of all my female ancestors before me. Our collective knowledge and life force can be my guide if I allow myself to stay open and fluid. I must remind myself to be like a tree, strong and grounded, but yet flexible and able to move with the winds of change! I find the winds of change blow strongly in motherhood; just I have mastered one stage of development, my daughter is moving full force into the next stage and it is time for me to create new strategies toward mothering her. To say my daughter keeps me on my toes is an understatement! Our home is not static, but a dynamic force of love and intense cycling emotions. We have strong up’s and low down’s but, we move through these rhythm’s together, listening and learning what we can, every step along the way. Till Next Time, Be Well!    Jasmine
Mothers of the World, Unite! - New Baby New Paltz


Mothers of the World, Unite!

by Donna Bruschi on May 11 2014
I wanted to discuss us Mamas! We come in all different shapes, colors and sizes Yet our emotions all follow the flow of the same river, the timeless flow of motherhood. As women, we come equipped in our mother’s womb with all of our living, giving powers.
The Waking Of the Warrioress - New Baby New Paltz


The Waking Of the Warrioress

by Donna Bruschi on Mar 23 2014
This morning I woke up a warrioress! When I looked in the mirror my face looked the same, my hair was falling in its typical messy, uneven way, yet something had changed…. As I looked deeper into my own two eyes I could feel the change deep down inside me, deeper than my bones.
The Story of Skywoman - New Baby New Paltz


The Story of Skywoman

by Donna Bruschi on Feb 09 2014
One day a hole opened up and through this hole fell Skywoman. As Skywoman fell, she left behind everyone and everything she had ever known. The only remnants of her whole world was a small bundle she clutched tightly to her chest as she fell, spiraling endlessly downward through darkness.
Independence Day - New Baby New Paltz


Independence Day

by Donna Bruschi on Jul 26 2011
Independence Day, 2011. Today is a bittersweet day that marks the end of an era. 17 years ago, I was a week overdue with my first baby. I was feeling heavy and nauseous, and not from too many hotdogs or Pina Coladas, either. I wasn't in labor, but I was sure wishing I was. It was a Monday--just like this year.