Home Again Home Again
by Lisa Bullard
Ember and I made it to Montana! To recap, last week I talked about my anxiety surrounding flying with a toddler and I shared a few travel tips I’d gleaned from other mothers.
Let me share how traveling with a one-year-old went…
Marvelously! I used all the tricks I could think of and I’d been told about: little toys wrapped in tissue paper pulled out at strategic moments, toys stuffed in a purse with lots of pockets, sticky notes stuffed in envelopes stuffed in envelopes stuffed in envelopes, some favorite books, an i-pad with a Baby Einstein video, lots of little high interest snacks . . . In the airport we spent a lot of time pushing the stroller together, and we boarded as late as we could. . .
My favorite moment was in the Denver airport where amidst the crowd of travelers, Ember squatted down and made that expression – you know the one, the filling the pants one – and then stood up and said, “Pee-eww!” I have to say, I’ve never had another travel buddy like her!
I felt like a stage-hand, putting all the props in place (a simile I stole from Donna), so that Ember could play her part successfully. Even though I felt worn out by the time the big metal bird touched down in the big sky country, Ember and I were both happy!