Jasmine Wood RSS

emotions, expectations, guilt, imperfection, Jasmine Wood, joy, mommy brain, newbabynewpaltzblog, overwhelm, Rita, spring, working -

With gardening season in full swing, my daughter’s seemingly exponential pace and zest for life, my husband in Manhattan for work, dog sitting, and my GMO education outreach here in town, my head has just slowed to a stationary position (from full on spinning for the last couple days).

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compassion, emotions, expectations, friends, Jasmine Wood, keeping calm, newbabynewpaltzblog, Rita, tantrums, toddler -

“I’m always gonna be your friend, always!” Rita exclaimed in her sing-song toddler speak. With those few simple words my heart melted. Lately, Rita and I have had our fair share of battles. Mini battles which stem from day-to-day tantrum prompters like brushing her curly locks, getting shoes and a coat on, or, our latest episode: who gets her out of her crib in the morning, mom or dad.

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home, Jasmine Wood, meltdowns, mothering, newbabynewpaltzblog, Rita, tantrums, time, toddler, TV, winter -

Too much TV, not enough fresh air…

We get irritated more quickly, our attention spans have shortened and we are all sick of indoor activities, we are continually seeking inspiration no longer found indoors! When Rita was first born she did not watch TV, it seemed obvious to us there was no need for a newborn to be placed in front of the tube. The same went for her whole first year. Then the winter of her second year hit.

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creation, emotions, empowerment, gratitude, Jasmine Wood, joy, love, mama, mothering, newbabynewpaltzblog, parenting, pregnancy, Rita, warrioress -

This morning I woke up a warrioress!

When I looked in the mirror my face looked the same, my hair was falling in its typical messy, uneven way, yet something had changed…. As I looked deeper into my own two eyes I could feel the change deep down inside me, deeper than my bones.

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earth, Jasmine Wood, mothering, myth, newbabynewpaltzblog, nutrition, Rita, spring, toddler, whole foods, winter -

Wishing you a merry Maple Moon! What is Maple Moon you ask? More commonly referred to as “Sugar Moon”, Maple Moon is the full moon in March. It marks the onset of the sugaring season. For many Eastern Native American cultures this date represents the New Year!

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