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breastfeeding, communication, compassion, empowerment, Jasmine Wood, mama, mothering, Rita, toddler, transitions, weaning -

At 25 months, our family weaned little Rita (Yes, dad played a big role too) from the breast. I knew it was our time, but yet as we moved closer to her last nursing sessions I felt uneasy. Reflecting on this, I feel it was fear of the unknown. As nursing was the one factor in our routines that had remained constant from birth to two years.

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anxiety, birth, Donna Bruschi, empowerment, fear, home, homebirth, midwife, mothering, postpartum depression, pregnancy, safety, VBAC -

Twins always arrive early. Right?

That's An Old Wive's Tale.

I look at my striated belly with the doughy soft puckers that have never flattened back into that gentle swell that used to be my belly.

If my twins had been early, I would not have this. At 36 weeks, my belly was a gigantic, unblemished orb. I had 1 or 2 stripes at 37 weeks.

Ar 39 weeks, my midwife and I were laughing at the incredible, angry red vortex radiating from my bellybutton. The stripes were something out of a science fiction story. Like a chick pecking the egg from the inside, it looked like my stomach was getting ready to rip open.

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keeping calm, meals, mothering, new baby, nutrition, parenting, pregnancy, shopping -

No matter when your baby is due, you are probably thinking of all the things you need to have done for baby’s first weeks at home.

Whether you are actually doing it is another thing..."PROCRASTINATORS UNITE!"

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anxiety, breastfeeding, breastfeeding barriers, communication, Ember, emotions, expectations, instincts, Lisa Bullard, mama, mothering, nighttime parenting, nursing, weaning -

I have been thinking a lot about trusting my instincts as a mother.

Sometimes that is easier said than done, especially when someone in an authority position (a doctor, a teacher, a specialist,) or someone whose approval I seek (my mother, my partner, my friend,) is telling me that something I am doing, is wrong.

It can be enormously frustrating and it recently happened to me.

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cold, Donna Bruschi, empathy, exhaustion, guilt, healing, holiday, home, illness, keeping calm, kindness, mothering, newbabynewpaltzblog, nighttime parenting, nursing, nurturing, pandemic, sick, winter -

The warmth of the last several weeks has me feeling hopeful that the relentless cold and darkness of the coming months will not happen after all!  The longer nights, shorter days, chill, and dampness depress me, and I find it hard to be happy, and even more, difficult to accomplish my daily tasks.

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