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Millions of parents have survived babies who don't sleep. You can too.

Babies sleep differently from adults because their brain is growing at a tremendous rate. Sleep happens best when you and your baby are relaxed and comfortable. Here are ten time proven tips for better sleep.

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Long ago... in the time of the sabertooth tiger....we used a survival tool called the "fight or flight" response. And we still use it today.

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accidents, compassion, Donna Bruschi, emotions, empathy, imperfection, keeping calm, kindness, meltdowns, newbabynewpaltzblog, toddler -

One year old Maya was taking her first steps when she abruptly face-planted, startling herself and bumping her head. Her daddy scooped her up and snuggled her in.

"You're OK! You're OK. You didn't hurt yourself. You are fine. You did it! You walked!"

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communication, compassion, empathy, friends, grief, guilt, kindness, Lisa Bullard, loss, love, newbabynewpaltzblog, overwhelm, transitions -

“Mom, this card says ‘Don’t worry about Nancy anymore,’” Ember says, as she hands me a sticky note she scribbled on. I wipe away a drifting tear, and take it from her. “Thanks, sweetie. Why shouldn’t I worry anymore?” I want to know what is happening in her mind, partly because I’m feeling guilty.

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breastfeeding, Donna Bruschi, emotions, keeping calm, mothering, new baby, newbabynewpaltzblog, parenting, sleep, teething, toddler -

Waking every hour or two to nurse ALL NIGHT LONG. Ugh. Whether you do it for a few days because your baby is teething or have been doing it for months or years, it takes a toll on you and you may wonder if you are doing the right thing.

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