
New Baby New Paltz Grand Re-Opening 2016 - New Baby New Paltz


New Baby New Paltz Grand Re-Opening 2016

by Donna Bruschi on Jan 07 2016
What if you could park once and shop at both your local baby boutique and the grocery store? Now you can! Check out the Grand Opening of the newest New Baby/New Paltz, sister shop to New Baby/New World in the Water Street Market in New Paltz. The celebration takes place on Saturday, January 16, 2016 from 1 to 4 p.m.
Zika Virus Declared Emergency - New Baby New Paltz


Zika Virus Declared Emergency

by Donna Bruschi on Jan 06 2016
Zika Virus Declared Emergency  The New Paltz Oracle February 11, 2016 by Kristen Warfield  New Paltz-based lactation consultant and maternity store owner Donna Bruschi said she understands the feelings women who are already pregnant in these areas may have, despite the low risk of the virus being present locally. “Women who are pregnant really like to take care of themselves and any feeling of potential harm to their baby is magnified,” Bruschi said. “In the U.S., there’s really not a lot of risk involved when having a child— most worry about harm of secondhand smoke, or how their diet affects the baby. But in these countries, [Zika] is this unpredictable wild card.” Read Full Article
New Paltz Business Owner Collecting Baby Carriers For Refugees - New Baby New Paltz


New Paltz Business Owner Collecting Baby Carriers For Refugees

by Donna Bruschi on Dec 21 2015
A New Paltz business owner is working to help mothers with small children fleeing conflict in the Middle East. Donna Bruschi, owner of New Baby New World in New Paltz, is collecting baby carriers for mothers who are Syrian refugees.
10 Hudson Valley Resources for New Moms - New Baby New Paltz


10 Hudson Valley Resources for New Moms

by Donna Bruschi on Feb 24 2015
10 Hudson Valley Resources for New Moms February 24, 2015 Published in Hudson Valley Parent   As a new mom, one of the hardest things was feeling connected again. Those first few months my job was on hold and my friends were scarce. While my husband was able to get out of the house alone to go to work each day I was left to care for a new, very needy little person every hour of the day and night. Don’t get me wrong, I adored caring for him and soaking up every moment. I knew these times were fleeting and I wanted to savor them but I wanted more, and still do. I wish back then I knew there were local resources for new moms, free playgroups, and support but I didn’t. So I am helping you out today. Here is your list- If you are feeling trapped, alone or worse know you aren’t alone. There are a number of local groups ready to welcome you and your new baby with open arms and give you the support & information you need. Real stories from Hudson Valley Moms on postpartum depression 1. New Baby, New Paltz offers one on one support, workshops, playgroups, support groups, a great website, products new moms love and a welcoming space. New Paltz, 845-255-0624. 2. Health Quest at Vassar Brothers Medical Center holds weekly support groups, childbirth and parenting classes, breastfeeding support, infant/child CPR and even sibling prep classes. Check the site for a list of classes, costs and more. Poughkeepsie, 877-729-2444. 3. The LaLeche League has chapters in Orange, Ulster, Sullivan, and Dutchess counties, and beyond. Their website offers information, fact sheets and the online Breastfeeding Guide including topics on “my baby won’t latch on,” to “sore nipples.”  Proper nutrition, expressing milk, and returning to work are covered.  With a click of the mouse, the information is truly at your fingertips. Read More at Hudson Valley Parent
Happy Halloween 2014 - New Baby New Paltz
We’re On Our Way Home…. - New Baby New Paltz


We’re On Our Way Home….

by Donna Bruschi on Jul 28 2014
This week I find myself with a bit of writer’s block… My mind is scattered after being out of town for a week, the first half of the week spent camping with my little family, the second half of the week grieving the loss of a loved one on my husband side’s of the family.
Memories From The Womb - New Baby New Paltz


Memories From The Womb

by Donna Bruschi on Jul 20 2014
Memories from the womb… A story of the subconscious by Jasmine Wood Hello Mamas! I recently took a trip with Rita and her dad to Ithaca, NY. This is the place where we lived for the majority of my pregnancy.  After reflecting on our experiences there I have some interesting personal insight as to our time spent in the womb and how we carry experience and memories from our prenatal experiences. Rita was conceived and carried in Ithaca, the land of waterfalls and gorges.  Throughout my pregnancy, I walked along the banks of many of these mesmerizing waterfalls finding comfort and peace in the water’s presence. My mind was quietly lulled into thoughtlessness, a simple pure state of being, by the sacred song of the river ever moving toward the sea. When I was seven months pregnant, we moved from Ithaca down to the Hudson Valley, where I grew up. Like a salmon I followed the river home to give birth. Rita was born in the same hospital I was, 25 years earlier, and our journey together with her in my arms, instead of in my belly, began! A few weeks ago, our little family took a trip back to Ithaca to visit some of our favorite sights, in particular, our favorite waterfalls. As soon as Rita saw her first waterfall, her whole being became illuminated! She literally glowed from within as she shouted “This is my favorite waterfall forever!” I was filled with joy that these sacred spots, that brought her father and me so much pleasure and contentment during our pregnancy, also held this special place for our daughter too! We brought her back to the waterfalls of her days in the womb. Something inside her recognized this place! I believe babies' subconscious memories begin to form from the moment of conception and evolve throughout pregnancy and birth. So when children are born, they already have a subconscious memory and internal impression of the world! I truly believe that Rita was soothed as a little fetus in the womb waters by the same external sounds that soothed her mama, the sound of the river and waterfall. Upon revisiting these sights years later, she was able to recapture the same positive emotions felt during her time in the womb! Peaceful pregnancy, happy childhood, contented adult…. I feel that the first step toward life long well being takes place in the womb. By fostering an environment filled with love and joy and working to reduce stress we can create happy memories with our child that they will then in turn carry with them throughout their lives. My hearts feel full when I see a glowing smiling pregnant mama and I think of the little one within who is also smiling! May peaceful vibrations radiate from you to your children and back again! Let us change the universe with love, one child at a time! Till next time, Be Well! Jasmine
How Can I Leave My Baby? A New Mother’s Journey with Separation Anxiety - New Baby New Paltz


How Can I Leave My Baby? A New Mother’s Journey with Separation Anxiety

by Donna Bruschi on Jul 13 2014
“Would we be able to enjoy ourselves at the concert if our minds were elsewhere thinking about our baby and her well being?” An answer that could not be determined…For 6 months leading up to the concerts, July 4th weekend, I had mini panic attacks filled with separation anxiety at the mere thought of leaving little Rita.
Toddler Time- Staying Happy, Staying Sane - New Baby New Paltz


Easy Summer Fun

by Donna Bruschi on Jun 09 2014
Once upon a summer afternoon, it was the month of June in the happening town of New Paltz, New York… What to our wondering eyes did appear…?  Naked babies of all colors, shapes and sizes playing happily together in a cool pool of shallow water.
Happy Memorial Day, Mamas! - New Baby New Paltz


Happy Memorial Day, Mamas!

by Donna Bruschi on May 25 2014
This is the time of year you will most likely find my family in one of two places: in the garden, or out by the grill. For me, nothing beats a long weekend morning filled with the work of tending to the garden, followed by a restful afternoon under a shady oak tree, then finally, finishing up the day by grilling our dinner and dining outdoors!
Think Like a Tree, Mama! - New Baby New Paltz


Think Like a Tree, Mama!

by Donna Bruschi on May 18 2014
By Jasmine Wood “Isn’t it funny, how a bear likes honey. Buzz, Buzz, Buzz. I wonder why he does…”  This is one of my favorite lines from my daughter’s bedtime book collection! (Classic Winnie the Pooh) It is one of those story lines that always gets my mind working. It makes me think of the famous philosopher, Rumi’s quote: “Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.” Intrinsically, we find ourselves drawn to those things that make us feel fulfilled, just as Pooh finds himself drawn to the honey pot time and time again! As women, many of us find ourselves silently drawn by the call of motherhood! Some of us are ready to heed the call: "Procreate now!" Others, take time and are slowly enveloped by our most innate desire to form a family and home. Before, I found out I was pregnant with my daughter, I knew deep down inside that I wanted to be a mother. I did not know whether I would enjoy this all encompassing role or not! This is where Rumi’s silent pull comes from. It comes from deep down in the core of our being, the call mutes any worries the mind might carry, and leads you mind, body and spirit down the path of motherhood. Perhaps, there are many bumps in the road, or instead it may be smooth sailing from thoughts of conception, to labor and delivery.  The many paths we follow as women to reach motherhood are important! The importance is in the journey, and not just the destination. The path we follow will stay with us, and guide us throughout the trying times of parenting! I have these moments in mothering where I feel so ancient, as if I can tap into the energy of all my female ancestors before me. Our collective knowledge and life force can be my guide if I allow myself to stay open and fluid. I must remind myself to be like a tree, strong and grounded, but yet flexible and able to move with the winds of change! I find the winds of change blow strongly in motherhood; just I have mastered one stage of development, my daughter is moving full force into the next stage and it is time for me to create new strategies toward mothering her. To say my daughter keeps me on my toes is an understatement! Our home is not static, but a dynamic force of love and intense cycling emotions. We have strong up’s and low down’s but, we move through these rhythm’s together, listening and learning what we can, every step along the way. Till Next Time, Be Well!    Jasmine
Mothers of the World, Unite! - New Baby New Paltz


Mothers of the World, Unite!

by Donna Bruschi on May 11 2014
I wanted to discuss us Mamas! We come in all different shapes, colors and sizes Yet our emotions all follow the flow of the same river, the timeless flow of motherhood. As women, we come equipped in our mother’s womb with all of our living, giving powers.
Happy 20th Mother's Day - New Baby New Paltz


Happy 20th Mother's Day

by Donna Bruschi on May 11 2014
By Donna Bruschi Today marks my 20th Mother's Day! I can't believe it! Actually, I can believe it. Its been a very full and wonderful 20 years of mothering. What I really can't believe, is how much I don't like Mother's Day.  Part of it is embedded in my mom's experience. I don't remember a Mother's Day where she didn't end up in tears. Maybe she was unrealistic or naive? She was an only child and we were three! Another part is that for me EVERY day is Mother's Day. I have spent a lot of time with my children and I still do a lot for them. They are first in my decisions of what to do. I breastfed for years with them. I opted to try for a homebirth for them. I stayed out of work and I went into debt to be home with them. Most of it has to do with being with a man who criticized and made fun of me and my mothering. Of all 20 Mother's Day's, not one came with a card from my kid's Father. No card. No breakfast in bed. No flowers. No appreciation. My Mother and Mother-in-Law showed their love on Mother's Day and I am grateful for them. I am finally free of him. In hindsight, I don't know what took so long. I compare myself to others who have left the father of their children, others who are starting over in new loving relationships and still others who have only known respect and encouragement from their partners. Sometimes I cry when I think about what happened or wonder what I could have done differently. What if I left when my kids were preschoolers? What if I paid the divorce lawyer with my credit card and did take my ex to court for a contested divorce? What if I understood how Family Court works and how much power I did have at that time? But I didn't. I was married "til death do us part." Divorce was unimaginable and with that belief came abuse. That's where I get stuck. How would I have known? I work with lots of families in transition now. They use Google and Facebook to find things. That works really well if you know the search terms. I didn't know the search terms. i didn't even know I had a problem. I thought what I was going through was NORMAL. And, abuse is the NORM, for one in four women in our society. But it's not healthy. And, with help, one can choose to not live that way. What I needed was for someone to see the red flags and volunteer the information that I was in over my head. For me, that someone was a therapist who listened to what was happening in my life and helped me understand the power and control dynamic and grow stronger. It was a counselor at Family of New Paltz who said, "You know, you can't stay in that relationship and there are people who can help you leave. We can make a plan." That move changed my life. It hasn't been easy. I wondered if I was doing the right thing because the less attached you are to your abuser, the harder they fight to keep you close. This is why you need a team of helpers. I had help from Family of New Paltz Domestic Violence counselors, the National Domestic Violence Hotline, New Paltz Police Dept., Maria Duncan, MSW, my kids, my parents, my siblings, my employees, and my friends. My team gave me a vision, encouragement, protection, money, physical help and love. I am truly grateful for all the support. The biggest difference between who I am now and who I was 20 years ago is that now, I ask for help. Usually. Old habits die hard. If you are in a relationship that hurts, know that while it is common, it is not healthy.  Please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 (SAFE) or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY). You should know that it's not your fault and you deserve to feel safe in your home. Happy Mother’s Day, Mamas, from my heart to yours! 
Who Loves, You, Baby? - New Baby New Paltz


Who Loves, You, Baby?

by Donna Bruschi on May 11 2014
Your baby does! And... I do! And we both want to make sure you love yourself. One way you can do that is by getting out of the house and being with other moms who have babies the same age as yours.
Finding calm within the chaos - New Baby New Paltz


Finding calm within the chaos

by Donna Bruschi on Apr 28 2014
With gardening season in full swing, my daughter’s seemingly exponential pace and zest for life, my husband in Manhattan for work, dog sitting, and my GMO education outreach here in town, my head has just slowed to a stationary position (from full on spinning for the last couple days).
Mother & Daughter- Friends forever - New Baby New Paltz


Mother & Daughter- Friends forever

by Donna Bruschi on Apr 20 2014
“I’m always gonna be your friend, always!” Rita exclaimed in her sing-song toddler speak. With those few simple words my heart melted. Lately, Rita and I have had our fair share of battles. Mini battles which stem from day-to-day tantrum prompters like brushing her curly locks, getting shoes and a coat on, or, our latest episode: who gets her out of her crib in the morning, mom or dad.
Get Your Hands Dirty! A Surprising Thing Soil and Breastfeeding Have in Common - New Baby New Paltz


Get Your Hands Dirty! A Surprising Thing Soil and Breastfeeding Have in Common

by Donna Bruschi on Apr 13 2014
4-13-2014 By Jasmine Wood Have you had a chance to get your hands dirty? Spring is the best time of year to break ground on new outdoor projects, gardening and landscaping alike. If you are like me, that first hint of warm sunshine sends the message to your brain, “time to shift gears” break out the rakes, shovels and grill, it is Spring!  That first touch of moist garden soil brings me to a sacred place, an ancient, yet familiar place. The place where many women who came before me, bent to hand and knee, placing their hands in the earth to grow food from seed. Woman and mothers are the caregivers and nurturers to the children and family. She is also, historically, been the primary gardener in households around the world. It is no wonder I feel so at home in my garden with my little daughter tugging at my skirt seams, leaving paths of trodden freshly planted seedlings in her wake. Recent research in neuroscience has shown that when the brain detects the scent of humus (rich soil) it releases oxytocin!  Where else have I heard the word ‘oxytocin’? Oh yeah, that’s right, it is one of the primary hormones involved in childbirth, maternal bonding and lactation! Oxytocin is a hormone which plays a key role in the neuroanatomy of intimacy; intimacy with a lover, a child, and apparently the earth itself! We understand it is released immediately after a baby is born and causes everyone in the room to fall in love with the baby, especially mama. This makes sense in an evolutionary sense.  This new found knowledge linking the release of oxytocin in response to the smell of soil is revolutionary.  It is a great argument for our deep physiological need to be close with nature! Although, this is a breakthrough in neuroscience it is very logical and easy to understand. I immediately understood this research to be true because I can “feel” it happening to me as I dig my hands down into the dirt year after year. Something magical takes place and I am transported to a peaceful world of contentment where time is no longer essential and all things are connected. When else have I been to this peaceful world? When breastfeeding my beautiful baby girl I, experienced it on a daily basis! When we take the time to nurture life, we nourish a deep relationship for the creation of new life that is fundamentally sacred! I once wrote about SkyWoman, who tended the Earth with her bare hands and deep gratitude. As you break ground this season may you feel the many blessings tending the Earth brings.   Till Next Time, Be Well! Green Blessings to you and yours!
Too Much TV, Not Enough Fresh Air - New Baby New Paltz


Too Much TV, Not Enough Fresh Air

by Donna Bruschi on Mar 31 2014
Too much TV, not enough fresh air… We get irritated more quickly, our attention spans have shortened and we are all sick of indoor activities, we are continually seeking inspiration no longer found indoors! When Rita was first born she did not watch TV, it seemed obvious to us there was no need for a newborn to be placed in front of the tube. The same went for her whole first year. Then the winter of her second year hit.
The Waking Of the Warrioress - New Baby New Paltz


The Waking Of the Warrioress

by Donna Bruschi on Mar 23 2014
This morning I woke up a warrioress! When I looked in the mirror my face looked the same, my hair was falling in its typical messy, uneven way, yet something had changed…. As I looked deeper into my own two eyes I could feel the change deep down inside me, deeper than my bones.
Maple Moon Mama - New Baby New Paltz


Maple Moon Mama

by Donna Bruschi on Mar 16 2014
Wishing you a merry Maple Moon! What is Maple Moon you ask? More commonly referred to as “Sugar Moon”, Maple Moon is the full moon in March. It marks the onset of the sugaring season. For many Eastern Native American cultures this date represents the New Year!